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Ifeyinwa Obi, PRO

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Thanks to all those who attended our June 13th 2015 meeting. We had a good turnout and updates.

Here is a brief recap of the discussions:

  • Planning Committee Update: Chinwe Abaelu provided a brief update on the planning effort. The location has not yet been confirmed but they have been evaluating options and costs. The goal remains to have a location locked down by August.
  • Publicity/PR Committee Update: Ifeyinwa Obi presented the Theme that the committee had determined for LA 2015 - “Fostering Unity”. Theme/Event logo is underway to be finalized by the next meeting. The committee had also kicked off its first campaign to promote LA 2016 - Photo Search. Details are on the Facebook page.
  • Establishment of Non-profit Org: Chinwe Abaelu provided update on the establishment of a sister organization that will serve as our non-profit organization for donations and projects. The process is underway.
  • Membership Dues Reminder: Members were urged to pay their dues. Approximately 20% of members have paid their dues and so we need all others to pay. Paypal is now a convenient option to make payments.
  • Next Meeting is on Saturday, August 8th.

If you are a member of this alumnae chapter and do not receive the Meeting Minutes, please contact Ijeoma Ejiofor Onwuogu to get your contact information updated.

As always, you are the strength of this chapter.

Igwebuike Anyi!