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Ifeyinwa Obi, PRO

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Thanks to all those who attended our March 14th 2015 meeting. We had a really great turnout and discussions.

The major highlights of those discussions are as follows:

  • Reminder to pay your annual dues by April 15th 2015. Please contact Chinwe Onyekwelu Abaelu for information regarding payment process and installment plan options.
  • The venue of 2016 Reunion Weekend has been changed from Toronto, Canada. The new venue will be decided before the next meeting and all chapter members shall be engaged in the selection process.

If you are a member of this alumnae chapter and do not receive the Meeting Minutes, please contact Ijeoma Ejiofor Onwuogu to get your contact information updated.

As always, you are the strength of this chapter.

Igwebuike Anyi!