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Ifeyinwa Obi, PRO

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Thanks to all those who attended our May 9th 2015 meeting. We had a great turnout and lots of significant updates.

The major highlights of those discussions are as follows:

  • Alma Mater Updates: Our chapter president, Juliet Ume-Onyido gave us an update from her recent visit to our Alma Mater, along with ideas for our next project.
  • Reunion Committees: The committees for our Reunion weekend were announced along with the initial members. Others are invited to join any committee and help make LA 2016 a huge success.
  • PayPal Update: You can now pay your fees via our PayPal account. Donations to the chapter can also be made via PayPal. Details to come later.
  • Sisters helping one another: The plight of our dear sister and fellow alum, Ijeoma Okponwa, who urgently requires a kidney transplant and funds to make that happen, was discussed. Collection account for alumnae who wish to help will be sent out via email.

If you are a member of this alumnae chapter and do not receive the Meeting Minutes, please contact Ijeoma Ejiofor Onwuogu to get your contact information updated.

As always, you are the strength of this chapter.

Igwebuike Anyi!