Gloria Ejimbe Ilochonwu bio photo

Gloria Ejimbe Ilochonwu

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We are thrilled to announce that our online store, complete with branded merchandise that is sure to evoke sweet nostalgic memories and strengthen your loyalty to our alma mater, is LIVE!

You can now buy a vast array of USA/Canada Chapter-themed merchandise, and show your support as we get pumped up for the LA 2016 Reunion Weekend by buying merchandise specially designed for this event.

Who can forget the “Double Monger”? Now you can buy this and other fun branding!

Remember what boarding house dormitory you were in? Now you can get a baseball cap with the name of your house branded in your house color!

Want to Give Back? Donate to our LA 2016 Reunion Weekend event by ordering from the Give Back section (Coming Soon). Items purchased will be donated and used for fundraising and souvenirs at our LA 2016 Reunion Weekend in California next year.

Our Alumnae Chapter will receive the proceeds of each sale which will go toward our project initiatives.

So don’t wait! Shop! Shop! Shop!

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