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Chinweoke Helena Eke

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Class of 1990, UK ladies in timeless black and white

These glamorous and lovely ladies in the timeless black and white photo are the class of ‘90 ladies having a good time together in UK - 25 years later. Time passes on, but the bonds of unity endure! Facebook photo.

Lovely ladies, BFFs, Class of 1989, EXCO unity

These two have been bosom friends since Osha days. Their friendship continues to this day. Recognize them? They’re our chapter’s very able Treasurer and Financial Secretary. Now do tell, what went on in Vegas? Sisters, friends Forever! Facebook photo.

Class of 1992, Lagos Chapter

Lagos Chapter is rocking! The Class of ‘92 ladies spared a minute to take this lovely photo during their meeting at Navy Town, Ojo. Our very own Chapter President even managed to get her face in there. Can you spot her? Sisters United! Facebook photo.

Note: Submitted your picture yet? Head over to the Facebook Album Road to LA 2016 - Photo Search: Alumnae GROUP of The Year, upload and hashtag ‪#‎FGGCOPhotoSearch‬.

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